ATM EXP New [Academy Swf] 6/1/2011

Yerterday I was posting Chaet Get All Rare Pet [With Fiddler], Now turn ATM EXP Pet [Shop New]. For Leveling All your Pet 
Go to try it, !

*      * Fiddler
*      * SWF File

Totorials :

1. Download the first fiddler
2. Then Install Fiddler
3. Just run the Fiddler
4. Click Tab autoresponder (which its icon green lightning)
5. Check the "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permitpassthrough for unmatched requests"
6. Drop it. SWF file that you downloaded earlier to the columnautoresponder
7. Go to Ninja Saga
8. After that clean the caches
9. Just select the character who would you play

How to Clear cache:

For Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> ChooseNetwork Tab -> Clear Now -> Click OK

For Google Chrome: Select the icon in the upper right corner (next to the stars) 

-> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data-> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

How to use:
Go to Academy
Click an Item, and click Buy, Wai until the level you want
* Vew this Vidio for Totorial !!  [Youtube]

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